Effective Hemorrhoid Treatment That You Can Do At Home
Many people needlessly suffer with hemorrhoids when they just have to find an effective hemorrhoid treatment. There are many things that can trigger hemorrhoids but whatever the cause if you take the right steps you don't have to live with them.
And why would you want to live with them. They can be embarrassing, not just because your doctor might want you to sit on a hemorrhoid ring, but because of the blood and ick, because of the anal leakage that can soil your clothes and stink, and because it can hurt really bad.
Effective hemorrhoid treatment consists of several steps to ensure that the hemorrhoids don't return after you get rid of them. That is something that surgery and many other medical procedures can't do for you. Just eliminating hemorrhoids doesn't get rid of the underlying cause which remains.
Often the root cause of hemorrhoids is weakened walls of the blood vessels in the anal area. Then when constipation, heavy lifting, or child birth puts extra pressure on the areas they vessels, where weakened will begin to balloon out forming the bulges that quickly turn into hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoid treatment usually begins with sitz bath. It is simple and effective and begins to relieve the hemorrhoid symptoms. The soak also helps clean the area, another problem with hemorrhoids is it becomes more difficult to clean yourself which makes the anal leakage problem that much worse. Sitz bath followed by witch hazel will help a great deal with this kind of related problem.
Next, if you don't want hemorrhoids to keep coming back, you want to begin to heal your body. You have probably heard that a fiber rich diet is good for hemorrhoids and this is true. But it is not just because it softens the stool. You want a fiber rich diet because of the nutrients and micro-nutrients that you have been missing. This nutrition will begin to strengthen the walls of the veins so that they are not weak and bulging anymore. This will help your overall health as a side effect so that getting hemorrhoids may be a blessing to you.
To get a high fiber diet you don't just want to add artificial fiber, like some bread with what amounts to wood waste added in. No you want lots of good vegetables and fruits. There is nothing better than adding an apple to your diet everyday to begin this process. Don't stop with an apple though but it is an excellent place to begin.
Most hemorrhoids will respond to this simple treatment. You can learn mo about natural http://www.NaturalHemorrhoidTreatment.org "">hemorrhoid treatment and about some more elaborate methods to treat hemorrhoids as well by visiting http://www.NaturalHemorrhoidTreatment.org
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