Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Healing Effect of Sitz Bath For Hemorrhoids

The Healing Effects of Sitz Bath For Hemorrhoids

Over 40% of the adult population in the United States will experience hemorrhoids sometime during their lives; if they are lucky, they know enough to ask, what is a sitz bath?

If hemorrhoids are mild they will likely clear up by themselves.  But if they are more serious or the person has conditions in their life that causes them then it may well become a life-long battle to control hemorrhoids.  It is important to understand the healing effects of various treatments for hemorrhoids.

What is a Sitz Bath?

A sitz bath is both a way of cleaning around hemorrhoids and a way of helping to shrink them.  A sitz bath is a warm bath, usually with salt, Epsom salts, or soda mixed in.  You sit in a shallow bath of the solution in such a way as to allow the water to bathe the affected area.

How does this help my hemorrhoids?

Warm water by itself will both clean the area and so reduce inflammation, and the warm water will also increase the blood flow in the area helping the hemorrhoids to heal.  Adding Epsom salt, regular salt, or soda allows the disinfectant and germ killing properties of these compounds to intensify the effect of the warm water.

<a href="">Hemorrhoid treatement</a> can releive the pain and help you find the cure for your hemorrhoid condition.  I invite you to visit

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